“Today I Feel Silly” by Jamie Lee Curtis is a heartwarming story that explores the different moods and emotions that children experience. The book follows the adventures of a young girl who wakes up feeling silly one day, and goes on to experience a range of emotions, from grumpy and mad to scared and excited.
One of the things that make “Today I Feel Silly” so special is the way it encourages children to embrace their feelings, no matter how confusing or overwhelming they may seem. The book emphasizes that it is okay to feel different emotions at different times, and that children should not be afraid to express how they are feeling.
Another great feature of “Today I Feel Silly” is the way it encourages children to be creative in their expression of emotions. For example, when the girl in the story feels scared, she draws a picture of a monster to represent her fear. This kind of creativity can be incredibly empowering for young children, and can help them find new and exciting ways to express themselves.
Overall, “Today I Feel Silly” is a beautifully written and illustrated book that is sure to capture the hearts of young children. It is a must-read for parents and educators who want to help children develop emotional intelligence and learn how to express their feelings in a healthy way.